GORE‑TEX Brand Ambassador Phil Siefken has always been passionate about snowboarding, but his love for the mountains has sparked an even greater passion for giving back to his community. What started as a simple idea to sell secondhand outdoor gear for charity has blossomed into an annual event that's making a significant impact on Munich's most vulnerable populations.
Now in its fifth year, Phil's Charity Market has grown exponentially, with 16 top outdoor brands contributing products and over 900 guests attending in 2023. The event raised an impressive €27,000 in 2023 for "Kältebus München," an organization supporting local homeless individuals.
The Inspiration Behind the Market
Phil's inspiration for the charity market came from a stark realization. He recalls: "Leaving my cozy warm house in the mornings, being fully equipped with the best gear to head to the slopes, I felt sorry for the homeless people close to my house. They were sleeping in the cold during the winters, trying to survive, while I was up for a fun day in the snow. I want to support and contribute to my own community."
This year, the market’s proceeds will benefit two worthy causes: The Kids Cancer Foundation Munich and “Münchner für Münchner”, an organization dedicated to helping elderly people and single parents in need.
Beyond the Market: Creating Lasting Connections
What sets Phil's initiative apart is its commitment to ongoing engagement. The team is organizing follow-up events, including climbing adventures for kids recovering from cancer treatments and distributing food and gifts to elderly community members in need.
In 2024 Phil raised €22,000 for donation. The success of the Charity Market is a testament to the power of community and the outdoor industry's commitment to social responsibility. With the GORE‑TEX Brand and numerous brand partners contributing products, the event offers high-quality gear at great prices while making a significant impact on local charities.
As Phil and his team gear up for another successful year, they remain focused on their core mission: turning a passion for the outdoors into meaningful support for those who need it most. It's a reminder that sometimes, the most impactful adventures are the ones that bring us closer to our own communities.
Photo Credits: Alina Allmayer