damaged GORE-TEX garment

    Repair Information

    If you’re reading this, you’ve probably pushed the limits of your GORE‑TEX garment. Good - that’s what it was made for.

    Along with routine care, repair is an integral part of getting the most useful life from your GORE‑TEX garment. Our products are designed and tested to be durable, but occasionally damage does occur even with normal use. If your product is damaged, you’ll need permanent repair by a Gore authorized repair center, or by the manufacturing brand.

    Acting quickly when damage occurs is the best way to ensure you maintain coverage under our GUARANTEED TO KEEP YOU DRY promise and extend the useful life of your garment. 

    Authorized Repair Center
    Does your GORE‑TEX garment need a permanent repair? Contact an authorized Repair Center.

    North America


    Scottish Mountain Gear
    Unit 9
    Newhailes Industrial Estate
    Newhailes Road
    Musselburgh EH21 6SY
    Email: info@scottishmountaingear.com
    Tel: 0131 564 1000 (Local Rate)
    Fax: 0131 665 1919 (Local Rate)
    Web: www.scottishmountaingear.com

    Lancashire Sports Repairs
    19 Athletic Street
    Burnley, Lancashire BB10 4LP
    Email: info@lsrmail.co.uk
    Tel: 01282 439109
    Web: www.lancashiresportsrepairs.co.uk

    Asia Pacific

    Temporary GORE‑TEX Fabric Patches
    Need a temporary patch to get you through your adventure until permanent repair is possible? GORE‑TEX Fabric patches allow you to instantly patch small holes and tears so they don’t get worse—no matter where your adventure has taken you.


    • GORE‑TEX Fabric patch kits are available for purchase at specialty outdoor retailers and selected online stores.
    • Each kit contains two press-on adhesive patches, precut to standard shapes that usually don’t require trimming.
    • Use the right patch for your fabric and apply it to the outer textile layer of your garment.
    • Carefully follow the instructions and procedures of the patch manufacturer.
    • Patches are NOT permanent repair, they’re a bandage. If you apply a patch while out in the field, contact an approved repair provider at the earliest possible convenience after your adventure.
    • Patched garments are still considered damaged and are not eligible for coverage under our GUARANTEED TO KEEP YOU DRY promise. Permanent repair is needed to restore your coverage.

    Gore-tex Newsletter